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1. Examine the different grant options that the Fund currently offers.

A selection of schemes for which applications are currently possible can be found under Funding. If you have trouble figuring it out, or if you are still in the orientation phase, feel free to contact us.

Website and legal scheme
The pages explaining the schemes give a good idea of the requirements. If something is unclear to you, or if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call us! We are happy to help you. However, it would help us if you study the website first and know which scheme you might like to apply for.

We try to inform people as thoroughly as possible on our website. However, note that this information is a summary of the full grant scheme, as described in the Government Gazette (Staatscourant). The full grant scheme is a legal document and, as such, is more difficult to read. It describes exactly what requirements your grant application must fulfil. You will always find a link to the legal grant scheme in the list of documents on each grant scheme page.

Go to Funding
2. Inspect documents

We always place an example of the application form on our website, as well as a model budget. These can also be found in the list of documents on each grant scheme page. We recommend that you take a good look at these so that you know what questions you need to answer and which information we wish to receive from you.

3. Create an account

Grant applications can be submitted through our digital application system My Fund (Mijn Fonds). In order to log in and submit applications, you need an account. Please note that it can take up to five office days for your account to be activated. In other words, it is a good idea to do this in advance, before you actually intend to submit your application. The My Fund page and application forms are all in Dutch. We try to accomodate English visitors as much as possible with the information on this English part the website, but the official part of the application procedure is currently only available in Dutch. 

Go to My Fund (Dutch)
4. Log in and submit application

You have looked at the various options, chosen a scheme and read up on the conditions and criteria, so it is time to submit your application. This procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Log in to My Fund using the account you created.
  • Click on the button New Application.
  • Choose whether you are applying as an organisation or as a person, and choose your selected scheme from the drop-down menu. This will take you to the application form. There is only one scheme for which you can apply as an individual: Culture Makers of Today
  • Once you have entered all the information and attached all the files, you can digitally submit the form.
  • We always try to process your application as quickly as possible. You will receive a response from us within 13 weeks.